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[breathes in, breathes out]

A Room of All Rooms / 2019


The work consists of a room (130*220*200 cm) built inside the exhibition space, two synchronised videos shielded by translucent fabrics, a projection with sound on loop, some soft materials, and a foxtail grass. 

“I invited people to record a question for me that they have not found an answer yet; these questions are played in the exhibition space like tides. I am interested in question as a form - at the same time it refers to the past, present and future. Being a promise (to the future), question admits the possibility for a subject to exist in a span of continuous time. All invisible pasts formed visible presents, and question opens outwards for an echo. In general, question is an attachment to time, or a question would no longer be a question.”

A Room of All Rooms was presented as part of Graduation Show, BACA, Beijing, 2019


(1), the videos on the screens; (2)(3), installation view

(4), a list of contributors, on a roll of washing label pape; (5), a handout for the exhibition, with the list; (6), installation view; (7), a cushion; (8), five hours before the deadline, my friends slept in my room, photo by Selena

(9), Echo’s hand




(5) (6) (7)


