


thing thing archive 
(under construction)


’xun’ as in 旬, 寻, 汛, 埙, 峋, 巡 ......
1/2 of 河边哼歌 Hebianhengge

Else/Xun (b. Ē-mn̂g) is a researcher and artist who works primarily with writing, moving image and archiving. Inhabiting chronic times, their practice-based research investigates the condition and operation of care in relation to infrastructural labour of knowledge production and maintenance, where they practise an expanded form of authorship through gathering and sharing, repairing and translating. They are part of an artist collective, 河边哼歌 Hebianhengge, and have shown and spoken at Cooke Latham Gallery, Queer Circle, Southwark Park Galleries and Manchester China Institute, among others. They work and live in London and hold an MRes in Arts and Humanities.

[breathes in, breathes out]