ποταμοῖσι τοῖσιν αὐτοῖσιν ἐμβαίνουσιν ἕτερα καὶ ἕτερα ὕδατα ἐπιρρεῖ
On those who enter the same rivers, ever different waters flow.
with reference from heraclitusfragments.com

Being fascinated by a connection under time in the broadest sense, A Room of All Rooms is an installation about time, consists of video, audio, light and a weed.

I invited people to record a question for me that they have not found an answer yet; these questions are played in the exhibition space like tides. I am interested in question as a form - at the same time it refers to past, present and future. Being a promise (to the future), question admits the possibility for a subject to exist in a span of continuous time. All invisible pasts formed visible presents, and question opens outwards for an echo. In general, question is an attachment to time, or a question would no longer be a question.

被一种在时间下最广义的联系吸引,A Room of All Rooms是一个和时间有关的装置作品,由影像、声音、光线和一根野草组成。
