A Room of All Rooms, 2019
2 tablets with curtains, projector, stereos, glass bottle, weed, stool, cushion, carpet, steel, aluminium, foam board, screws, soundproof tape
A darkened room with 2 screens, shielded by translucent fabrics, facing each other on the walls. A projection on the stool in the middle.
People was invited to record a question that they have not found an answer yet.
A Room of All Rooms was a piece for the FAD Graduation Exhibition, BACA, May 2019.
1 videos on the screens
2 installation view
3 installation view
4 list of contributors for exhibition, on a roll of washing label paper
5 brochure for exhibition, with the list
6 installation view
7 audio contributors
8 cushion for exhibition
9 5 hours before deadline, my friends slept in my room, photo from Selena
10 Echo’s hand
2 installation view
3 installation view
4 list of contributors for exhibition, on a roll of washing label paper
5 brochure for exhibition, with the list
6 installation view
7 audio contributors
8 cushion for exhibition
9 5 hours before deadline, my friends slept in my room, photo from Selena
10 Echo’s hand